More information

Jonas & Friends
Liesbeth Grimbergen / Frans Schouten
Domselaerstraat 51-1
1093 JP Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Tel + fax:  +31 (0)20- 693 91 91
Mobile:     +31 (0)6-26 36 85 14



Withholding statement Artists nr: 146/808389257 Download here

VAT nr: NL 808389257 B01

Chamber of Commerce nr: 34125686

Bic-code: INGBNL2A

IBAN nr.: NL15INGB0002932642

How we work

For several reasons we will not apply for the international market our normally used system with options. In that case we will look to the request and than we determine in concert how we handle it.


VOF Jonas & Friends works on buy out basis (ex. VAT). In this case it means that we only charge extra travel expenses and our stays during the journey. For every gig we will make a customized offer. When a performance is confirmed, you will receive a contract and an invoice in advance. There will be made mutual agreements  about the payment.