Jonas & Friends performs with a lot of walkabout acts/ walking acts. For the international market we offer four walkabout acts: 'The Amazing Handwalker', 'The Time Machine Travellers', 'Wood & Wood' and 'The Blue Art Flower Family'. These acts can be transported by plane (or train). The other walkabout acts (see below) can only be transported by car. That is why Jonas & Friends only play these acts within a circle of 600 km. around Amsterdam.
Circus walk act; 'The Amazing Handwalker'.
Official attempt World Record Handwalking...!

Walkabout act 'Wood & Wood'
Two fascinating, sustainable, poetic and entertaining wooden mask characters!

Act 'The Blue Art Flower Family'
Act with passion for flowers in blue and white porcelain

More walkabout acts
For the Dutch market and the surrounding countries (until 600 km. around Amsterdam) Jonas & Friends have several other walkabout acts. Here below a selection of these acts with some movies.
If you don't see any extra information from one of the acts below, please visit our Dutch section of the website (click on the dutch flag on the top of this page and view the page 'mobiele acts').
The Cuckoo Man
The cuckoo man repairs and sells cuckoo clocks. But unfortunately all his clocks seem to have cures.

Walkabout act 'The Mechanical Horse'
A police-officer, riding on a mechanical horse, is doing his duty when he is mingling with the crowd.

Walkabout act 'Steam Powered Butler JF-09'
Two butlers, a man-machine with steam technology and his engineer, with little interactive gimmicks.

Harley Jr. masks
A comical mask duo is driving on their motor-bike, playing small scenes and are responsive to the people.

World's smallest organ!
An organ woman and her real looking monkey are showing you their miniscule little organ.

'The English Guard'
He is on his way to relieve the guard at Buckingham Palace. He does not know what course to pursue, so he asks the people for assistence.

Police motor-cyclist
A silly police motor-cyclist on his mini Harley is present at all kind of events ( parades, parties etc.)

Benjamin the monkey
When people are arriving at the party they will meet this monkey at the entrance. They will wonder... is this animal real or not real?! This is what special effects can do!!